The girl tells how she almost lost her current lover her man alive and forever

This beautiful queen tells the story of her relationship from the beginning, how she almost lost him because of her pride, but thanking God they are now together and a happy couple!

Here is the biggest thing she wrote about them, we were sitting here laughing at how he wouldn't leave omg and was so stubborn!

He left me saying to him "uhn uhn" now I️ can't go a day without him I️ maybe continued to give him a hard time until I️ saw his reaction to seeing me one night. I'm always thankful for my  big sister that get me out of the house lol. Maybe I will continue to have a hard time with my beautiful face! Mya Williams He was literally holding and embracing me like I was already his old lady.

I'm like dude if I don't move before I don't care to beat myself up here! He literally held the box and told me how it hurt his heart. I didn't give him a chance. We stayed on FaceTime for a while and on the call he said he liked the peppercorns. Even my mother had called him "son" and not friend lol.

He asked me if he could watch the game with me. I said️ I think! He showed up on my doorstep with wings and the rest was history! He couldn't be more stupid! Do not be worried! My cards are made in heaven! Who knows, knows! Father in my voice, If you don't want to, This is one of the best stories I've heard so far.

Now that you understand that to find a true lover or companion or for marriage or just friendship, sometimes we need to soften our hearts and let a person try to come in at the right time, we don't know who we were until we meet the right person and sometimes we are the delay of our own happiness.

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