Edge Of Seventeen Chapter Eight : You Had Me At Hello - Written By Rihanne Maya




You Had Me At Hello!

" I have to see my son, Kelsey. "Mum suggested. 

"When?" Aunt Annabel asked. 

"Like right away," She said," Frank can't do this to me at all. I haven't done anything wrong to him. " 

"Alright then,to the university. "Aunt Annabel replied. 

After greeting the prophet inside the Celestial church, aunt Annabel dashed outside, and she and mum hopped in the car, marveling at the interior and even honking the horn. Aunt Annabel drove the car till they arrived at the University. 

There was a delightful smile on my mum's face the whole moment they arrived at our university's dormitory," Are we here yet?" She asked aunty Annabel. 

"Oh yes,we are at the dormitory already,wait here let me get the room number from the security man," Aunty Annabel said and walked straight to a security check point," Room 2-2-4, Kelsey Clinton. "She said stretching a ticket to the receptionist. 

"Okay ma'am,is he expecting you ma'am?" The security man inquired. 

"Yes,we have called him already. "She replied. 

"Alright, then you can go in. " The security man said. 

Neon had driven in all these moments while my aunt was chanting with the security man. He hoot his car horn as be slowly pulled off at the parking point. 

"Hey ma'am,you should use the pedestrian path instead. " Neon said but to what seemed like eternity,my mum had no clue she was the one that was been referred to. 

The engine whined at a high pitch and the wind roared through the open windows so no one talked. Neon wound down the window and let out for the second time," Hey! Ma'am,what's the problem? You're standing on my way. Can you move a little for me to park properly please?" Neon queried," Hey! Ma'am!" 

My mum then struggled to find her way out of the parking lot to let Neon park his car," I'm so sorry my son, please don't be offended," She gently moved away with the help of a stick," Give me a minute let me find my way off. "She said walking to a pavement just off the parking lot. 

"Is she blind?" Neon thought to himself as he revved the engine of his car," Who could be stupid enough to leave a blind mother hanging out here all by herself?" He thought to himself. 

"I feel sorry for her. "Constantine, Neon's friend added. 

Aunty Annabel then walked back to my mum and gently led her by her hand as they were about ascending the hallway stairs," Sorry about this my son. " Aunty Annabel apologized to Neon. I sighted mum and aunty Annabel about to ascend the stairs. 

Neon and his friend Constantine were following behind my mum and aunt till we finally met in a circle. 

"Mum!" I quickly hugged my mum and aunty Annabel together, smiling to my ears. 

"Kelsey!" Mum and aunt chorused cheerfully," We missed you already!"  

Neon and his friend stopped by our circle and queried, with a bombastic stare," How could you be so foolish to abandon your mum at the parking lot,knowing that she's blind? What if I had hit her with my car earlier?" Neon thundered. 

"Why do you enjoy fighting with me all the time? It wasn't intentional that I left her downstairs. Besides,she was with my aunt and not me. " I fired back at him. 

"Hey! Hey!! You boys are students I guess," Mum said," You are not supposed to be this harsh to each other okay,you should just...!" She paused immediately. She then started to rub the back of her two hands on her eyes," My eyes! My eyes!! Light! I can see light!" She rubbed her palms on her eyes more for a clearer vision. Shortly her vision flickered and opened up to sceneries and a collection of imageries. 

"What's wrong,mum?" I asked. 

"Sarah,what's the matter?" Aunty Annabel quizzed. 

"I can see! I can see!! Kelsey! Aunty Annabel,my eyes are open. I can see now! After seventeen years of blindness,I can finally see!" She hopped happily.

"Seventeen years of blindness?!" Neon thought to himself.  

I walked closer to her and waved my right hand at her face in disbelief. She held my hand immediately and told me that her eyes had truly opened," Kelsey,I can see you. You look so gorgeous my son. " She screamed out with tears streaming down her cheeks and detected the colours of my close," You are wearing a purple shirt and a white pair of trousers. " She said in-between sobs. 

"This must be a miracle. " Neon muttered. 

I stood in awe as I watched my mum hopped up and down cheerfully and in tears. I was awestruck that I couldn't let out a word from my mouth. 

"Jesus!!!" Aunty Annabel screamed," Thank you Jesus!!!!" 

"Why is Kelsey's family members so dramatic just like him?" Neon whispered into Constantine's ears. 

"Maybe they are good actors and actresses!" He replied with a wink and a smirk," It runs in their bloodline. " He grinned. 

Neon and Constantine then ascended the stairs with their shopping bags to our room whilst we were still soaked in the ocean of happiness. 

A few moments later, students began to gather round us,wondering what had happened,until a security man walked up to us and told us to reduce our screams. It was then that mum and aunty Annabel realized they had actually missed who could be my twin brother between Neon and Constantine. 

"Oh my God! The lost twin was here,he was here. My missing son was here!" Mum let out again. 

"Calm down first Sarah," Aunty Annabel said and turned to me," Kelsey,who are those two boys that were here with us?" She inquired. 

"The one in a blue shirt is Neon,he's my roommate and a trouble maker,while the other one in a yellow shirt is Constantine. He's Neon's best friend," I said and paused," Wait! Why did you ask? What are you not telling me?!" I probed," Mum! Aunty!" 

"Who among those two boys could be the twin boy?!" Mum got herself lost in her own thoughts with a finger in her mouth.  

"What twin are you talking about?!" I quizzed. 

"How are we going to approach the two boys concerning this matter?" Aunty Annabel inquired. 

I only stood watching my mum and aunty Annabel racked their brains on what I had no clue about.

A few more minutes later,the weather took a new face from the usual bright and colourful evening to a gray cloudy day.  

"Let's go to my room then. You both can return back home once the weather is clear again. " I suggested. 

"Alright!!" Mum and aunty Annabel chorused. 

Neon's phone rang the moment he got into our room," Hello,Reggie! My mum,on her way already? Okay I will be there shortly." Neon said and dropped the call. 

"Neon you can't possibly go out again,it's about to pour rain. "Constantine advised. 

"I don't care,I have an assignment to fulfill. "He picked up his jacket and approached the automated door with his key card immediately. The moment he opened the door,we were already at the door post. He stared at us intently and descended the stairs with a congratulatory wish," Congratulations on your sight ma'am. " He calmly said and ran off. 

Neon quickly got into his car before the rain came down,but he didn't relent. He drove downtown. 

Driving through torrential rain was very torturous. The rain thumped on the bonnet and the wind whistled along the curves of the car. The trees were waving frantically in the wind as if to attract the attention of passing cars. Like the night, the winding country road grew longer and longer, darker and darker with every passing hour. The bright headlights pushed back the darkness, which immediately returned to haunt the rear of the car.

The darkness seeped into the car and hung heavily over the back seat. As Neon put his phone down, the phone slipped and landed on the front passenger side and started making a loud noise with a beeping sound. He picked it up. It was a call. 

"I'm on my way already,keep an eye on my mother and the young man. " He then pulled off the phone from his ear and focused on the highway. 

... To Be Continued. 

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©️ Written By Rihanne Maya

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